About me.

I work as a patent attorney (trainee), you can find more information about my work here. Patent Attorney (trainee) with 2 years of experience in IP strategy and patents. I help clients navigate the complicated international patenting procedure. In the recent past, I have been a PhD researcher at the multiphase systems group at Delft University of Technology. I studied fluid-particle systems using massively parallel simulations. On a rainy day you will probably find me in a bouldering hall.


I study the physics of multiphase flows. In particular I focus on particles as they are carried by a fluid. It plays a major role in a multitude of industrial processes such as slurry transport, water treatment plants, land reclamation projects and fluidized beds. It also plays a prominent role in the dynamics of environmental processes such as volcanic eruptions, sediment transport in rivers and rain.



Non Essentials

I originally made this website to share my research work and to augment my resume. However, I mostly use this now to blog about my hobbies and interests.

The blog mainly revolves around sports (rock climbing) or art (all sorts). Though, I do write about some other things occasionally. I have found plenty of opportunity for sport, art and culture. You can see my paintings published in two issues of Hesiodos. I climb often, usually in indoor bouldering halls and outdoors a few times a year. I was part of D.S.T Pegasus (a gymnastics club) and won a few medals in the student competitions. I also helped run a discussion club in the TU Delft library for a couple of years.




Climbing & Sport
